Stembotics for Kids with Autism Ages 7 – 12


This free program offers a fun and creative way for children to expand their scientific and mathematical knowledge while using their tactile abilities to create robotic models. We use a team approach to build and program each project. Children work in pairs of 2 with an iPad and Robotics Kit. Children build by following a guided project but have the chance to expand their projects using their own abilities and creativity.

The program is for children with autism aged 7 -12 and their siblings. Participants should be able to sit for at least an hour and work well with others. They need good fine motor abilities since they are working with small lego pieces. The project is very hands on and tactile. Participants do not have to be verbal but they do need to communicate with a volunteer / instructor. Participants must be able to follow directions which will be given on an iPad. If your child requires any modifications, please let us know at the time of registration. You can also call or email us with any questions. 

Please note: There is very limited space so we are offering three identical sessions on March 10th, March 24th, and April 14th. Please register for one session only so we can accommodate more children. Thank you.

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