Updating Your ABA Tool Box – Beyond the Basics – A Full Day Conference

About the Conference

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is the scientific discipline from which the teaching strategies for students with autism are derived. ABA is considered the "gold standard" for teaching students with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and other developmental disabilities. Yet, we so often hear that ABA is just not working for some of our students. This conference will address this important issue while focusing on teaching techniques and strategies, based on current and recent research, which should be in your ABA Tool Box.  

We will be covering:

  • Appropriate Assessment/Evaluation 
  • Overview of Specific Assessment Tools
  • Evaluating ABA programs
  • Effective Teaching Strategies
  • Prerequisite Skills and Prompting
  • Hands-on Teaching Techniques to Build Conversational Language 
Conference Fees:
Current POAC Members          $40
Non POAC Members                $70
5 BACB Type II Credits            $50    
Purchase orders are accepted but must be received by February 15, 2019. (If you are paying with a PO please call the POAC office for a promo code.) 
About the Presenter

Bobbie J. Gallagher, M.A.  BCBA

Dr. Bobbie Gallagher, BCBA
Autism Center for Educational Services (“ACES”)

Dr. Gallagher is a BCBA with her PhD in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP). She is the Director of Office of Placement and Training at TCSPP and the owner of ACES. She is the author of “A Brick Wall: How a Boy with No Words Spoke to the World.” For more than 20 years Dr. Gallagher has worked in the field of ABA, speaking nationally to educate others on the needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, and for the last six years with a focus in the area of sexuality. She completed a three-hour online training program for the Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Training to assist in training teachers across the state of Texas on the sexual education needs of those with autism. As an invited speaker, Dr. Gallagher provided a workshop to the New Jersey Probation Officers. She completed her certification courses at the Florida Institute of Technology, holds a Master’s in Special Education from New Jersey City University, and a BA in Communication Studies from Monmouth University. She is the mother of three and currently resides at the Jersey Shore with her husband and two adult children with autism.

Date & Time Location Status
There are no upcoming workshops at this moment.