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ID Information Guide

Making first responders aware of a person’s communication and behavioral challenges is critical in situations where both could be key to public safety. The options below are potential life savers for families whose loved ones may go missing or find themselves in danger.

Medical ID Bracelets

Wearable ID Products

Many individuals will not wear jewelry but still need an ID. Or, your special person may need a wearable identification when wallet IDs aren’t practical, such as at the beach. Below are some good options.

Information Cards


There are several types of Governmental Identification Cards available in almost every region. These can include non-driver identification cards issued by your local Division of Motor Vehicle Department, or county special needs cards. Please contact your local municipality to find out what is available in your area.

All information in POAC’s safety handouts is provided for your INFORMATION only and does not constitute medical advice or an endorsement of any clinical or therapeutic method, treatment, service, safety device, safety product, organization or vendor. POAC is not responsible for the content produced by, or the services rendered by, any third party that is referenced, or to which access may be provided via our reference material.

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Gary Weitzen

POAC Executive Director

Gary Weitzen, the Executive Director of POAC Autism Services, also holds a certified law enforcement instructor title in New Jersey and has 20 years of experience in risk management. Besides managing POAC, he’s spent 15 years teaching life skills to adults with autism. A notable autism advocate, Gary has been featured in major media networks and has a son with autism, Christopher.