Autism Pound Class and Praise Worship Experience for Special Needs


We know that for families including a person with special needs, one of the greatest challenges is finding a safe place to nurture his/her faith. At Saint Andrew, we recognize that all people are created in God’s image, and want to come alongside special needs families! So come experience a sensory friendly, casual, participatory worship service where all are welcome!

Generation POUND® is a fun workout using music and drumsticks. Get ready to make fitness about self-expression, empowerment, self-love and FUN! Session is led by Lisa Pepper of Pound with Pepper. After POUND we will create and eat some simple healthy treats!

Praise! Worship Experience is from 12:30-1:00pm and Pound it with Pepper is from 1:00-2:00pm. Come for either one or both. 

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