We need your help! On November 2nd The New Jersey Autism Warriors is having a Clothing Drive. What a great way to clean out your closets and support NJAW at the same time! Please ask family and friends for any unwanted clothes..Check the list to see everything that can be donated. THANK YOU!
We have local drop off locations throughout the state! Please reach out if you are not available to bring your items to Toms River on November 2!
The week of the event you can drop off to Stacey in Toms River
What we Accept:
Adult & Children Clothing, Shoes, Handbags, Purses, Sandals, Sneakers, Boots, Jackets, Coats, Rain Gear, Leathers, Belts, Ties, Pants, Shirts, Sweaters, Vests, Blouses, Dresses, Skirts, Robes, Undergarments, Sheets, Pillowcases, Towels, Linens, Tablecloths, Hats, Scarfs, Gloves, Wallets, Jewelry, Watches, Uniforms, Jerseys, Backpacks and New Diapers.
Please, we do not accept:
Thrift Store Goods, Books, Games, Furniture, Flea Market, Yard Sales or Sorted merchandise that has been picked through or Separated which the better goods have been taken out. Curtains, Pillows, Stuffed Animals, Bric-A-Brac or Toys.
Where Do Your Items Go?
The items collected from your fundraising programs go to low income areas abroad and in the USA to be sold at economical prices and given a second chance. Inform your participants that they are helping your organization create awareness in the community, raising funds, cleaning out their homes, and giving back to low income areas! It’s a quadruple win!
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