GPS Locator/Product Guide
Nearly 50% of all individuals with autism will go missing at some point during their lifetime. The products in this guide are considered to be some of the best available at this time and are designed to provide warning and/or help to identify the location of individuals who have wandered away. Some are perimeterbased to help prevent wandering before it happens, and some use tracking and locating technology that can find the missing adult or child. You may want to consider a combination of devices.
Project Lifesaver
Project Lifesaver is a national program that uses radio technology to help locate missing persons. The success rate is 100% nationwide. Note: if you live in an area which is not currently served by Project Lifesaver, you can purchase all the required equipment on your own.
Anglesense is a small device that functions as a GPS tracker and is attached to the individual’s clothing. The device operates via a mobile app and is one of the best options available.
This is the smallest, long-lasting, real-time location tracker designed to keep up with your child, no matter how far they wander. It uses a combination of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular, and GPS.
Pocket Finder
The decision to drive is often a difficult one. This discrete plug-in device will not only increase peace of mind for you but instil safer driving habits in your teen driver.
Apple Watch
An Apple watch is a great solution for the more independent individual with lower support needs.
Tracking/Locating Apps
There are many great tracking/locating apps for both Android and iOS such as Life360. These apps are updated often so make sure to do some research to get the most current information. In addition, every phone carrier has a family locator option for a monthly nominal fee, which will track and locate the individual’s phone.
Window/Door Alarms
GE Security Wireless Alarm Kits are widely available at Walmart, Lowes, and online. GE is the only manufacturer recommended by POAC. Any family who in need of any of the above devices should also secure their home with these alarms.
Gary Weitzen
POAC Executive Director
Gary Weitzen, the Executive Director of POAC Autism Services, also holds a certified law enforcement instructor title in New Jersey and has 20 years of experience in risk management. Besides managing POAC, he’s spent 15 years teaching life skills to adults with autism. A notable autism advocate, Gary has been featured in major media networks and has a son with autism, Christopher.