Implementing Sexuality Education for Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities


Up until recently, sexuality education for individuals with autism and developmental disabilities was rarely discussed or addressed. POAC began doing workshops and conferences on this very important topic several years ago. As a result, there is much more awareness and discussion now. This full day conference will address what to do next, from curricula to family involvement and more. The following will be addressed:

  • Review of appropriate curriculum for all grades and abilities and how to implement in your program
  • How to determine developmental readiness for teaching regardless of age
  • How to glean materials from curriculum that can be used for educational programming
  • Addressing fetish issues
  • Troubleshooting existing behaviors and inappropriate techniques or strategies that may already be in place
  • Determining appropriate IEP goals and objectives for addressing sexuality
  • Addressing the role of the family and cultural differences

This conference will provide opportunity for hands on practice for implementing curricula. 4 Type II BACB credits are available for purchase for those attending the full workshop. NJ Department of Education CEUs will be included for all. Lunch and a light breakfast are also included.

Registration Fee: 

Current POAC Members          $40

Non POAC Members                $70 

BACB CEUs are available for full day attendance only. Fee for these credits is in addition to the above registration fee.       

4 BACB credits                         $40

Purchase orders will be accepted with a valid purchase order number and must be received by December 20, 2019. No refunds will be given after December 20, 2019. 

Date & Time Location Status
There are no upcoming workshops at this moment.